The National Fruit Collection (formerly Brogdale)
Wisley RHS – large orchards of old varieties
Common Ground – champions local diversity
Peoples' Trust for Endangered Species:
Traditional Orchards, a guide to Wildlife and Management
Natural England Community Group Funding
Our sister group in the north of the county
Northern Fruit Group
Growing Well, Sizergh
Lancashire Orchards
Westmorland Damson Association
Cheshire Biodiversity
Some Other Regional Groups
Central Core Network Scotland and Tayside
East of England Apples and Orchards Project
Orchard and Garden services
Dick Palmer, joint founder of SLOG, is a gardener, arborist, orchard worker and cider maker working in Cumbria and the north of England. Please contact:- dickrhonapalmer@gmail.com
Tel: 07799615750 / 01229 716095
The Arnside and Silverdale AONB where there are many old orchards and a wealth of local varieties. Learn more about the AONB and its work.
The Wittenham Hill Cider Pages
Management of Traditional Orchards - Traditional orchards: Summary (TIN012)
There is information on Perry Pears on this web site and perry-making here.
Vigo: Suppliers of apple presses, cider presses, fruit presses, crushers and mills
For all things Cider, Orcharding, et al. This website and associated Google group is an excellent resource.