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South Lakeland Orchard Group (SLOG) Constitution



The group shall be known as The South Lakeland Orchard Group (SLOG).


To conserve, maintain and renovate existing fruit orchards and encourage the planting of new orchards in the South Lakeland area recognising the importance of bio-diversity and the preservation of old local varieties of fruit.


Actions to achieve our aims:


To arrange practical opportunities for communal learning, mutual help and guidance on an inclusive basis for all people interested in orchards.



To share resources, exchange information, promote orcharding skills and provide a membership list to all members. This will include information about those members who wish to offer voluntary help including unskilled labour (picking, weeding etc) and more specialist advice and help.



To promote the importance of orchards and associated horticultural skills for the rural landscape, local economy and bio-diversity by appropriate publicity and at public events.



A sole executive committee of at least 5 members including Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at an AGM, shall run the Group.


The committee will be volunteers and shall run the Group on a sound financial and ethical basis in a safe, inclusive and proper manner. Reasonable expenses may be paid if members provide evidence of any costs incurred.  Members will be consulted prior to important decisions being made and a special meeting can be called if at least 5 members wish to do so. The committee will communicate with members by email if possible or by other means as agreed. A quorum for a committee meeting shall be 3 and for a general meeting 11. 


The first AGM will be held in July 2008. The Group may be wound up by a special meeting where at least 75% of members present vote to do so. Any assets will be distributed to similar organisations or charities. This constitution can be changed with the agreement of at least 75% of members.


All reasonable steps to protect the Health and Safety of members will be taken but Members who attend events, wherever they may be, do so at their own risk and SLOG accept no legal liability for member’s personal safety or welfare. The committee shall advise if events are suitable for young people (who should be accompanied by parents) less than 18 years of age. 



The committee will run the finances of SLOG and have the power to raise such funds and finance as it sees fit by means of membership fees, general fundraising, and grant applications. These funds will only be used to further the aims of the group as described in this constitution.


Committee Meeting Minutes:


 - Committee Reports / July 2023        Chairman's Report - TreasurerMembership - Web Editor Reports


                     ( for a copy of any previous meeting minutes click here)


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